RP Designs

2004-08-18 - 2:40 p.m.
Happy Un-Anniversary to me

Today has been an iffy day, emotionally. When I came to work this morning, I happened to remember...this would have been my 16th wedding anniversary. In a way, it's sad, because of the way things turned out..but on the other hand, I wouldn't be *here* at this point in my life if things hadn't turned out the way they did! So, it's good thing, for sure!

I never would have thought, 16 years ago, or even almost 19 years ago, that I would have ended up divorced and with a good job of my own at 39. I was all ready to continue as a housewife, until the girls got older, but thank God I snapped out of that! Not that being a housewife is a bad thing, I mean, I defend housewives with every part of my being! It's just that I would have continued on with everything else...being abused, being neglected, being kept down. Anything to keep me *out of touch* with the life I deserved!

So, today, I'm doing my own small celebration, of sorts. I put a bid in on Prince's "B-Sides" CD set on ebay, hehe. When I was married to Mike, I wasn't *allowed* to listen to Prince, even though I TOTALLY love his music...I always have!! But, to make him happy, I suppressed it. I got rid of the CD's of Prince that I had, even, just to keep from setting him off. It's a long, long story. Not one I care to go into here, and I doubt I will. Nor will I ever, ever allow that to happen to me again. I feel very strongly about women's rights, and I cringe every time I hear a woman say, "Oh, my husband won't let me do this or that....". I just don't buy into it, anymore.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I get the winning bid on those CD's...but if I don't, you can bet I'm going to get them sooner or later!

Here's to the next 16 years being happy on MY terms! :)

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