RP Designs

2001-12-12 - 3:20 p.m.
Slog Sandwiches

So, while I'm getting physically and mentally ready for our holiday trip to Tennessee, I'm reminded of some awesome sandwiches I made to eat on our trip one time!

I went all out, I mean, deli sliced meat, white American cheese, romaine lettuce, tomato, grainy mustard, mayo, and some good whole grain bread. However, with all of my preparations in that department, I wrapped them in something less than appropriate....aluminum foil!!

Little did I know that when I put them loosely in the cooler, that foil would gape open, and what would result would be SLOG SANDWICHESSSSSS! We didn't find out until Mike and I both had totally psyched each other up about how good they were going to be that they were a bit on the *damp* side! Mike took a bite of his sandwich, and I can still to this day remember the expression on his face! It was a mixture of total disappointment, sadness, and shock!

What a shame, to have something so good turn out SO BAD! They were all just totally saturated with water, soggy, and just plain inedible!

Needless to say, I've learned my lesson.....when I make sandwiches for our trips, I put the sandwiches in Ziplock sandwich bags, THEN in a gallon-size Ziplock bag, just to be SURE! I leave nothing to chance! Mike and I still call our travel sandwiches *slog sandwiches*....and it's a good thing!

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