RP Designs

2002-03-28 - 5:10 a.m.
Cocoa Pox

Well, my baby has chicken pox...AGAIN! Back when Maddy had them, Rachel got a mild case...just a few bumps here and there. I thought she was over having them for good, but imagine my surprise when I took her to the doctor and they said she DOES have chicken pox again!

There were five doctors in the room at one point...all wanting to see Rachel's *mysterious* bumps! The first two doctors were trainees, the third was the real doctor, the fourth was a pediatrician, and the fifth one was a dermatologist! What ended up happening was the dermatologist scraped the tops off a couple of the bumps, put that on a slide, and looked at it under a microscope to see what it was! Rachel was sooooo brave, man, if I'd had something that looked like a small scalpel coming toward me, I would have freaked!

So, Rachel's out of school for the rest of the week! I don't mind having her around, though, she's been wanting to snuggle with Mommy a lot lately, and ya gotta love that! Only thing is, though, I've been SO trying to get laundry done before I have to pack for our trip to TN and my trip to Chicago, and I've not had a lot of free time!

Early yesterday morning, I was starting to go through my email when Mike called, saying one of the rear wheels on the Bug had come off! He was SOOOO lucky he didn't get smashed by oncoming traffic! Luckily, he was able to control it somewhat, enough to get it out of the way of traffic! One guy stopped, but not to help, really! This guy only stopped to get Mike's name and number, saying his tire had grazed the wheel that had come off Mike's Bug, and couldn't really tell if it had done anything to his truck, etc, etc, on and on! Man, now when you've just LIVED through something so mentally and physically unsettling, the LAST thing you want to hear is someone whining about what *may* have happened to THEIR vehicle! The guy didn't even have the decency to ask Mike if he was OKAY, for crying out loud! Sheesh.

Mike ended up taking the day off yesterday, and that was a good thing...he found someone in Hampton who does lots of work on Volkswagens and knows a lot about them, yayyy! Not only that, but he was totally impartial to which toys the girls kept or got rid of, not like me! I think I'm as bad as they are...I think, awww, I like this toy, or Mom got that toy for them, or they play with this one a lot....giggle! So, as a result, their room actually got CLEANED for a change...and guess what? There's a FLOOR there!! Who woulda guessed? Snicker. Rachel also has a new nickname from her Daddy.....Cocoa Pox! Rachel had Cocoa Puffs for breakfast yesterday, and Mike sorta distorted that into calling Rachel Cocoa Pox! Never a dull moment, I tell ya!

My workouts have been going well, if not a bit later in the day. That's okay, though, as long as I do them, right? After V challenged me to do 20 minutes on the elliptical thingy Friday, I thought it would be a BIG step backwards to go back to doing 11 minutes, so I'm staying with the 20. Man, it's TORTURE, but it feels SO wonderful when you're DONE! Have I mentioned how much I LOVE having my portable CD player for my workouts? Giggle! I don't use it for my weights, though. I could SO see myself getting hopelessly tangled up in the headphone cord, or jerking the headphones off my ears, or something equally as disastrous!

Today is going to be my *trip to the scrapbook shop* day! I was telling Mike about the index pages I'm going to do for our recipe books, and he asked if I had already shopped for that. Hahaha, yah, I did SOME scrapbook shopping a while back, but not specific things for the index pages I've got to do! Actually, I think that was BEFORE the recipe book project...! Anyway, it's going to be fun, I'm looking forward to it, and I've already got *some* ideas...I only hope I can find what I have in mind! I've SO got to stop by the Hallmark store in Williamsburg and browse, too, giggle! The more things I have for our Easter baskets now, the better! Anything for an excuse to shop, eh?

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