RP Designs

2001-12-28 - 7:38 p.m.
Not Doing Much kind of day

The height of my activity today has been to drive here to my MIL's! So much more sedate than yesterday! That's okay, though, isn't that the point of going on vacation? *giggle*

Man, with all of this cold weather now, I'd so love to go to the mountains! Not necessarily to ski, but to just go there and take in all of that fresh mountain air! I love going to Gatlinburg anyway, no matter what time of the year it is! When I was younger, I even dreamed that Gatlinburg would be the place my future husband and I would go for our honeymoon....well, Mike and I DID go there to stay, but it was after we had been married a while, and after we flipped the Jeep, so it wasn't very romantic! Another time we stayed there was after Mike had been out to sea for a while, and I got a room at a hotel with a wood-burning fireplace...ahhh! It was nice, but the fireplace sort of seemed out of place with the carpeted floor and standard hotel room. Now, put it with a wood floor and more rustic surroundings, and you really have a mountain getaway!

Tomorrow is going to be Grand Marnier French Toast day for myself, my sis, and my mom. I am hoping they will like turtle cheesecake was not received as well as I had hoped! What happened though was that my uncle came to visit not long after I had finished making it, and I sort of hastened the serving process! Well, I've often heard that it's not how it looks, but how it tastes, and it's so true in this case!

I think that the girls and I will be heading back to VA around the 1st now...before, it was either the 29th or 30th. I've got to have at least one day to load the van properly...mannnn! We've got so much stuff to haul back, it isn't funny! Along with Mike's tools, and the cooler, I have his new tool box on wheels his mom got for him, as well as my stuff, and the girls' mountain of things! Whew! It's going to be like working a very distorted jigsaw puzzle, but something I face every year, and manage to survive! The good thing about it is, though, that I can ring in the new year with my mom instead of being home and ringing it in myself while Mike has duty! Yayyy!

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