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2002-01-08 - 10:46 p.m.
Getting closer now!

I so can't believe it's only THREE DAYS until I fly to Chicago!! I'm still trying to tie up loose ends on Monday...rather, Mike is.....but if all doesn't work out, I'll have to meet my mom halfway to drop the girls off with her. Not exactly my best choice, but probably what I'll have to resort to! There IS no other option!

I'm still befuddled....the first time I've had to try to find someone to watch the girls for me like this, and no one LOCAL that I know can do it! All it really involves is making sure the girls get on the bus for two days, nothing more! I'm hoping and praying that Mike is coming up with a plan!

Lately, I've had a song on my mind, like when you get a song stuck in your head, and can't seem to forget it? The one I'm stuck with is "Wildfire", and I don't remember who it's by, but mannnnn, it's driving me to distraction! I really wish it would just GO! It also happens to be one of those songs that makes me cry....go figure!

So, most of my time during the next few days will be devoted to laundry, cleaning house, and generally getting organized for my trip! Can you say, "Time to start a list!"? It's going to be so wonderful to see V, Jen, and Cory again that I probably won't CARE if I forget anything! Hehe, okay, if I forget something like my makeup, or my hair dryer, they can just toss a bag over my head when we go somewhere, giggle!

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