RP Designs

2002-03-08 - 6:02 p.m.
Red Anne Rackham

Hehe, the *pirate name* test says that my last name is like *RACK-em* instead of *rack-ham*! Okay, I'll take it!

I'm sitting here, hanging out, enjoying the quiet! Mike took Maddy to her last basketball practice of the year, and Rachel is eating at Asila's house, so I have the place to myself....well, unless you want to count Peppy and Ralph!

We're having grilled burgers and salad tonight, yummm! (NO, not grilled salad, just a simple GREEN salad with some tomatoes, sliced hard-boiled eggs and sliced green onion thrown in!)

The girls got out of school early today, because today is Conference Day. I didn't have a conference with either teacher, so Mike and I took the girls to the park to enjoy the sun and decently warm weather! It was a great time! We even went for a walk on the trail in the woods, Mike and Rachel rolling logs over wherever they went. They managed to find a skink(which Rachel held), and a not-so-attractive slug(which Rachel DIDN'T hold, much to my surprise!), so the log-rolling was a success!

So, after all of that activity, I expect the girls will be crashing very easily tonight, as will I! Mike has duty tomorrow, so I don't know what the girls and I will plan....I'm thinking about taking them to see Crossroads, since it's more of a *girly* movie. A nice girls' afternoon sounds great!

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