RP Designs

2002-03-09 - 5:08 a.m.
Lookit my cute bunnieeeessss!

Don'tcha just LOVE my new look?? Thank you OH SO MUCH, V, for coming up with such a CUTE design for me! I love the colors, too! They're all so "Easter-eggy", giggle!

Well, I just sent Mike off to work, and I think I'm going back to bed for a bit...if I can stay away from the TV remote on my way there! I just love flipping channels at this time of day...of course, most of it is ads for stuff you could live without, but there's sometimes the odd movie that you haven't seen in a long time.

I like having my coffee at this time of the day, too, and watching the sun come up...hehe, so I'm a morning person!

Working out yesterday was soooo tough! I got on the bike, and I had barely been on it for two minutes and I was ALREADY over it! I kept reminding myself that I'd be SOOO disappointed if I stopped at two minutes, not to mention the fact that I'd have to own up to it later with V, Cory, and Jen! Maybe it's time to find a different CD to work out to....who knows? I just had a hard time getting going...the weights went fairly easy. I'm resting this weekend, then back to it on Monday!

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