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2002-04-12 - 4:53 a.m.
Yo-ga, Yo-ga, Yo-ga...!

Giggle! Yesterday was a good day...Maddy's chicken pox are healing nicely, my workout went well, the Wolves won(YAYYYY!), and I really, really liked the yoga class I went to!

I was a bit apprehensive about the yoga thing at first....I mean, I like nothing better than the thought of doing this stuff in front of a room full of people I don't know...NOT! But, the instructor made us feel right at ease. She gave us handouts with little stick figures on it, that illustrate how certain poses are done, and there was one thing in bold letters on the instruction sheet: NO COMPETITION, NO JUDGEMENT, NO EXPECTATIONS. Hey, I can live with that! As a result, I wasn't concerned with whether or not I was doing this or that right, I was just there to try, ya know? One pose that I do need to practice more, though, is one called The Tree: Stand on one foot, putting the sole of your other foot either below or above your knee, and placing your hands at *heart center*, which means in a prayer position at the top of your chest. Mannnn, no matter how I tried to do that one, I just couldn't balance! I'm going to keep trying, though.

So then, after yoga class, it was home to feed my fam(pot roast, yummm!), then to take some movies back to the video store, and hit the grocery store. Maddy wanted to make gingerbread men, but I talked her into ginger snaps....they may end up gingerbread men if I can find my cookie cutter, hehe! We're going to make those today, yayy!

After I got home from movies and groceries, it was time for the Wolves' game. I had worn my Wolves t-shirt and my brand new Wolves jersey to the store, so I hoped it would bring them luck. Well, it did, and they won, 2-3, but they didn't have to go into overime this time, YAYYYYYY!! I so can't WAIT until they play again! Wouldn't it be wonderful if they won the Calder Cup? Giggle!

It's so hard to believe that last week at this time, we had celebrated Cory's pretend birthday at Maggiano's...yummm!! Hehe, Jen made a crown of flowers for her(V's idea while she was working out...I still say seeing those hockey players on TV had lots to do with it, snicker!), and she looked totally adorable! Everyone kept asking what Cory was wearing flowers in her hair for...and it was so fun saying, It's her birthdayyyy! We were all stuffed to the gills afterward, but still managed to have some yummy cake!

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