RP Designs

2002-05-13 - 8:15 a.m.
The Rockless Monster

Hehe, that's what Rachel called the Loch Ness Monster before she rode it! Saturday, we went to Busch Gardens, because they're having free admission until the end of May for Enterprise sailors and their dependents! We missed the one they had last year for the military, since Mike was out, but they're making up for it now.

We had a great time! I didn't ride any of the rides, though, since I had to sit out with one or both girls. Next time, though, I'M riding!

Yesterday, we took the girls fishing at a pond on base, and they caught a couple of fish...that's about it. Rachel caught a frog, and man, it was HARD to talk her out of taking it home with us! The possibility of it dying didn't bother one point, she even offered the frog up for fish bait!! I can see her biology class, with a scalpel in her hand, cutting her frog with a HUGE grin on her face! I don't know where she gets it from, but man, whatever she does, she's not going to be grossed out by ANYTHING!

I had a good Mother's Day, too. I hung out in my pajamas, watching Young At Heart(with Doris Day and Frank Sinatra), getting to eat breakfast on the couch, and basically relaxing! Too bad Mother's Day only comes one day a year....I could get used to that!

I also made the obligatory Mother's Day calls to moms and stepmothers, that's always fun! My MIL was right in the middle of watching a movie at the time I called her, and I could tell....she's always distracted sounding, then asks, "Hey, have you ever seen....?" She used to be bad about doing that when she watched In The Heat Of The Night. Totally drives me to distraction....I mean, it's long distance, right?

Today is Maddy's Family Life Education day....I'm sort of nervous, but it's going to be good things for her to learn. I want to assure her that she can talk to me about EVERYTHING, and not be laughed at or fussed at.

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