RP Designs

2002-10-02 - 6:58 p.m.
Wonderful!!! more days like this one, please! I just got off the phone with the RUDEST customer service representative I've ever had the misfortune of dealing with! See, I'm getting a bill for $6.82 from MCI, and I wanted to know what it was from, since I should have charges from them added to my phone bill! Anyway, I mistakenly called customer service to see what this was about, and when I told the guy I didn't understand what the term *cancelled account* meant,and where these charges came from, he blew up, totally! He asked me what was NOT to understand, that he was explaining it loud and clear! Mannn, what a rude ass! Anyway, you can bet I asked to speak to his manager, after which time I was placed on *uber hold*!! Ah, nice tactic, there! It won't stop me from sending a nasty-gram by email!! They may not even reply, but at least I'll have the satisfaction of knowing I tried to do something about it, ya know?

Nice funky ending to an all-around *eh* day! I knew that this would happen when I gave up coffee for the month! I went out and bought some green chai tea bags so I'd have something to take the place of my *lifeblood*...let's hope they tide me over! I'm determined NOT to cheat, though...hey, I made it through a month of depriving myself of candy, I can do this!!

Anyway, Mike's going to be off for the next four days, let's hope that he survives, giggle!

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