RP Designs

2003-03-11 - 9:05 p.m.

Well, yah, it's been a while since I actually added an entry! Ugh, I apologize for seems that when I finally have the time to do so, I've lost all motivation, and can't think of what to say!

We've had FITS lately with our neighbors, or some of them! One has called housing and security on us, complaining that we had too many pets...and still another is barely talking to us! And here I thought that basically minding my own business would be the best route to, was I ever mistaken!

So, we've gotten rid of both puppies, and now all we have is the cat, two lizards, and a tank full of ocean creatures! Life is much more simplified now, but still....I can't help but remember how we got to this point in the first place! I just want to do our three and 1/2 years here peacefully, and then GO! Is that too much to ask? No neighbors butting into our business, no awkward social situations...just peace!

Aside from that, life is good. I've got two yoga classes a week now, instead of just one, and I'm still doing cycling. It's great to have a good variety of things to do here at our base fitness center, since I don't always have the van. With all of these people they're moving into housing around here, it can only be good for class attendance, and hopefully keep the choices plentiful!

Mike's friend Josh is visiting from Pennsylvania, too, and that's been fun. He was stationed on the USS Enterprise with Mike in Virginia, and they've managed to keep in touch. Luckily, the weather has cooperated and he and Mike have been able to see some of the sights around here. We went to the beach yesterday, and it was just so relaxing that I fell asleep on a towel! That's something I've never done before, hehe!

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